Carpet Preferences for Parquet Floors | DENDRO Parke Sanayi A.Ş.
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Carpet Preferences for Parquet Floors

The carpets are decorative home textile products that provide an important surface protector, dust trap, and thermal comfort for interior decorations. The carpets have unique patterns and production styles in many regions of Turkey. The carpets are also preferred as an important home decoration textile product in homes and are also an important cultural habit. Well then, have you ever wondered about the effect of the carpets covering the surface of engineered parquets, or laminated parquets, on the service life of the parquet? In this week's article, we will talk about the importance of choosing carpet for hardwood floors.

In interiors with parquet floors choose the right carpet, it can be a sufficient guide to pay attention to a few significant topics. It will be sufficient to consider the following elements in order to protect the laminated parquet surfaces produced from natural wood material against impacts and to ensure that they offer a long service life.

Carpets with Hard Structure Cause Scratches on Parquet Floor Surfaces

Carpet Preference According to the Material It is Produced

Many different types of carpets are very compatible with laminate flooring. However, hard textured carpets can cause damage to the parquet surfaces. When choosing a carpet, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the selected carpet is not latex supported. The latex affects the surface finishing coating layer of the laminated parquet over time and may disrupt the moisture balance of the parquets. As a result, the parquet floor surface will be more prone to deformations. To prevent this from happening, using carpet pads extend the service life of the parquets and protects the natural wood surface structure from external factors, and does not need to be replaced for many years.

How to Choose the Right Carpet Pads?

Most carpets have a hard back surface. A protective layer should be placed between the carpet and the parquet so that the hard texture of the carpets does not damage the natural structure of the laminate floorings. It is recommended to choose carpet pads that do not contain high levels of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). Carpet pads containing VOCs can adversely affect indoor air quality.

Also, avoiding PVC-based pads made from petroleum-based chemicals would be a beneficial choice for hardwood surfaces. Instead of pads made of artificial raw materials, pad types made of felt or natural rubber should be used with the advice of experts. In addition, choosing a relatively thicker pad compared to pads with an average thickness will minimize the possibility of scratching the parquet. In addition, the choice of thick pads is a detail that positively affects indoor air quality. The thick carpet pad does not prevent air circulation by creating an air gap between carpets and parquet floors and helps to prevent bacteria that may occur as a result of the accumulation of moist air under carpets.

Benefits of Correctly Preferred Carpet Pad

Pads, which are available in many types such as low-cost polyvinyl-based pads (PVC), 100% natural and eco-friendly rubber pads in the mid-range price range, and synthetic latex that perform well in their first life but have the potential to damage hardwood floors later on, or 100% felt pads that provide high-level underfoot comfort, also offer many advantages for carpets.

1. Comfort: It will make the floor surface more comfortable. Thin or medium-thickness pads placed under the carpet help the carpets to be perceived with a thicker texture while helping the carpet to have a fuller appearance.

2. Safety: Many carpets tend to slip on hardwood floors. This situation, which can cause small and large-scale accidents in daily life, can be prevented by protective pads. The carpet pad is placed between the carpet and the parquet floor to ensure the carpet remains stable and provides security in the home environment against major accidents.

3. Long Lifespan: The carpet pad prevents the fibrous carpet from being flattened quickly as a result of pressure and does not allow the carpet to get stuck as a protective layer from the bottom surface. In this way, it contributes to the use of the carpet for as many years as the parquet floors.

4. Surface Protection: The hard textured back surface of the carpets may cause abrasions on the parquet floor surface with each movement of the users. Choosing the right type of carpet pad that will prevent the carpet from moving, saves the parquet surface from abrasion, and protects the parquet floors from the effects that will cause deformations.

The natural parquet is a floor covering material that requires special usage conditions due to its natural structure. It has tricky points during use, and it offers healthy conditions to nature and the user's environment. Choosing the right carpet is significant for parquet floors to maintain their condition for many years and to use them for many years. For all this, you can visit to access our other informative articles about parquet floors and to examine our wide range of laminated parquet products.

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